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Shipping & Logistics

Container Shipment & Air Freight

CANASEI provides Container Shipment and Air Freight services for most orders. You would be provided shipping options to match your order and volume.


20 FEET – Starting at CAD $ 3,500

40 FEET – Starting at CAD $ 4,500



Starting at CAD$5.00 PER Kg


For a full list of prices please Contact Us.

To arrange Logistics & Shipment please email



We are able also through our brokerage services to finalize the purchase of merchandise and make adequate arrangements subsequently for the packaging, documentation, transportation/haulage and shipment.

Be rest assured you would always be quoted the best available prices for any third-party service we provide. Our vendors understand that getting your goods across to you at the best price possible and quickly surely brings repeat clientele, which we hold dearly to our service goals.

Choose the best subscription for you

CANASEI ad subscriptions are tailored to fit all seller classes. Whether you someone starting a small distribution business, a wholesaler, or manufacturer seeking new markets or a business that needs to showcase a collection of wares, we got you covered. For a small flat listing fee, you will be able to go beyond our positing limits and reach out to a wider audience every single day.
Our subscriptions allow for longer ad validity (30-60 days). Post as many as 60 ads, bump up and feature ads as you want to increase your sales traffic locally and overseas.


  • Validity: 40 Days
  • Simple Ads: 3
  • Featured Ads: 5
  • Bump-up Ads: 2
Select Plan